Wednesday, July 15, 2009

blog.. blog.. blog.. (aka it's been a week)

It's been a week since my last update, aand, i've got nothing to say today. Well, nothing important, that is. XD
Truth be told, i don't remember much about what's happened in the past week. Sometime in the last 7 days i watched Inkheart with my girlfriend, Sandra. I think we spotted something funny after the movie, but for the life of me i can't remember what.

Oh, I bought the Blu-Ray for Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete that day, too. Well worth the wait and cost, which might push back some of my other expenses. *shrug* Win some, lose some.

I hear school's back in. Might have to go back there some time next week for the paperwork. Preferably with my girlfriend. We've been spending most of the holiday together (me visiting her place, vice versa out of fairness) just messing around, watching the Friends dvd, playing games on her DS, her avoiding my PS3.. man, i have got to get something she can play too.

I can't go over to her place today, got bass lessons this afternoon. She's got stuff to do as well, so in other words, we're not seeing each other today. XD

(switching languages for once) Sebagai gantinya:
Perkenalkan Lope. si boneka beruang nan lucu yg gw beliin dlm rangka 1 bulan jadian. :D Ceritanya lope adalah anak kami, dan sesekali dia 'menginap' di rumah gw. hahah. lope loh yg ketik judul blog ini. XD
Lucu? Swt? peduli amat, daripada bengong d rmh. :P besides, it's good parenting practice.

I don't think i've nothing more to say. XD
See ya!