Monday, August 31, 2009

Laptop Baru (aka Noraknya diriku punya maenan baru!)

Yap, akhirnya setelah sekian lama, gw punya laptop. Selama ini gak gitu butuh karena bisa minjem, tapi berhubung minggu depan ud kuliah, uda saatnya punya laptop sendiri.
Dari semalem gw uda keranjingan maen2in ni laptop, mengupdate isinya, ngetes internet, dst.

Lumayan banget ni sekarang, kalo dapet ide cerita bisa langsung tulis, gak usah kayak dulu, catet dulu sedikit di hp ato kertas catetan dst, takut kelupaan. Heheh.

Skarang lagi di jln ke rumah pacar tercinta :D Kalo dia masih tidur, gw tungguin. Klo udah bangun, gw mo minta sarapan. Bangun telat, jadi gak sempet sarapan gw tadi. Sekarang aja uda laper.

Wah McD pondok indah. Drive thru? Males ah.

Dah dulu ah, laper. Nanti gw balik dengan post lebih bermakna. Kebetulan giorby baru menginspirasi gw dari shoutbox. Heheh.

Ja na.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our Strongest Points Are Our Weakest (aka Quote of the Day)

Taken from Paulo Coelho's "The Pilgrimage", with slight change. A bit of a paradox, some of you might say, but if you've read the book, you'll at least understand what he's getting at.

It's kinda hard to explain, so maybe an example will help.

Take me, for instance. I like to call myself a writer. I love writing, and truthfully, I think I'm pretty good at it. Sports, on the other hand, I'm not very good at. You could say it's my weakness. That being the case, I work hard to cover it - being a guy, I don't want to face the humiliation of being bad at sports. So I train myself, try out different sports until I can do it.
In any case, when people criticize or comment on me for not being good at sports, I just shrug them off, because it's a fact I already know. But once someone criticizes my writing, on the other hand, I become hurt, lose my self confidence. In other words, I react more to my "strong point" being attacked than my "weak point".

If that example didn't illustrate it well enough, get yourself a copy of "The Pilgrimage". It does a much better job, believe me.

My point (I think) is that so often we take too much pride in ourselves, in our abilities, and fear too much for our weaknesses, that we forget that we're not perfect. There's always something or someone better. Once we become too confident that we're "good enough", we feel that we've lost everything when we realize that somebody is better. I suppose that's where they coined the phrase "Pride comes before the fall" from.

This is why people such as athletes, musicians, etc, never claim that they're the best (the good ones, at least); they have this sense of humility. They take the praise and criticism, and use it to push themselves forward. They never stop trying to be better.
It's because of this, that when I hear someone say to me, "I'm really good at..." I'd have my doubts, compared to someone who says, "I can do.... but I'm not that good."; the one who says they're good might actually be good, but that also means that they're not trying to be any better. The second person could also be good, but then again could also suck. But the important thing is, that they realize that they could be better/there's someone better than themselves.

In simple terms, 1st person= arrogant, 2nd person= humble. Guess who's more likable.

You know, for some reason I think that same pride is the reason why people don't like psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts of any kind: they don't want to hear that someone else knows more about themselves than they do. I don't know about you, but I'm ready enough to admit that I don't want to have someone tell me what kind of person I am, especially if they're right. I (and maybe most of the world) would like to think that the person who knows most about me is myself.

But I digress. Back to the point, when we think we're ready, or capable, or good enough, is actually showing that we aren't. Now I'm not asking you to think that you're all dumb, no. I am asking you (and myself), to look at ourselves, look at both the things we think we're good at, and the things we aren't, and ask ourselves: Can I do better?

Think about it.

I think I found a new motto. XD

Monday, August 24, 2009

More Randomness (aka. ..... Randomness XD)

Of the unimportant things to talk about here (and I do mean unimportant), there is quite a bit to talk about, so let's just start from the most recent stuff, then work my way back to things I can remember. Which means order will be totally random, at best.

Just saw Miss Universe thing at Sandra's home. Had a good laugh, the usual thing with a guy seeing ridiculously beautiful outfits. Yes, I admit they're beautiful outfits, just think some of them are ridiculous, that's all. Like this one finalist who I think made it to the top five, had a hair that looked like a beehive. Well, Sandra said it looked like a beehive, I said it looked like some kind of molding for a clay pot.
Now that I mention it, maybe that's how they styled her hair, by putting a pot around it. XD

College classes schedule is already out. I consider myself very lucky: my only free day is Tuesday, when I have classes it's only for 2 shifts. Plenty of free time. My mom said that means plenty of time to study, but we know that's not really likely to happen, is it? ;D

The Sims 3. I finally decided to buy and install it, here on my cousin's comp. Funny thing happened the other day when I was playing. I had one pregnant Sim in the household, and I had no idea when the baby would be born. So I made the Sim go to the Diner for food, since she had crappy cooking ability then, and I was just too lazy to make her cook. So she drove to the diner. I sped up the in-game time, then this popup message appeared, announcing that the baby was about to be born, and that I should make sure that the Sim was at home or in a hospital.

I checked the map, and the hospital was just down the street from the diner, so I clicked it, and selected "Have baby at Hospital". Then the most hilarious (in my opinion) and shocking thing happened: my Sim ran towards the hospital. That's right, she was due right then and there to have the baby, and if she couldn't drive you'd think she'd have enough sense to at least get a cab, but no. She ran.

Really, I don't know why I find that so amusing, but I just do. You'd have to see it, perhaps, to see what's funny. XD

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Family Gatherings and Such (aka Bored (and tired) Shitless)

So, just got home from this random family gathering today. Well, actually, I'm not home from the gathering itself, but from Sandra's house, which is where we (Sandra and I) went after said family gathering.
Yep, that's right, I dragged my girlfriend to a family gathering. In which most of said family I do not know. She took it really well, bless her. I don't think I could do that well if I went to her family gathering (not that I wouldn't try, though :D)

Anyway, the occasion for the gathering was some soft launching for some family tree book of some ancestor of ours. Apparently said ancestor was some important person back home. And by home, I mean Manado, which I've never actually been to btw.

After the random and not-quite-boring gathering, we decided to go to Pasaraya, which both of us haven't gone to in a loong time. (Random Gathering location was right next door to Pasaraya) We ended up randomly going up and down the place, first looking for food, then for the theatre.
We both agreed that quite a bit has changed since we last visited the place (separately. we didn't know each other yet). We ended up contemplating whether or not the place had always been like that, because the last time she was there, she didn't remember there being a C Building or a theater, whilst I vaguely remember the going to the theater once before, almost watching something but deciding against it because the tickets were expensive.

Well, anyway we ended up not watching anything (might regret that later, you never know when a movie's gonna run out), and heading off to her home for a little rest, dinner, playing with her DS and laptop. Business as usual, in other words. Which brings us here, home sweet home.

Well, I suppose that's it for today's post. Catch you later.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Just A Little Thought (aka Not Too Patriotic)

I kinda just realized it's the 17th of August today. Feels kinda strange without school to remind you by means of flag ceremony + games.
I heard they're making a national history movie for once. I actually think that's a good thing, and for once I'm actually interested in watching it. Good to see that at this day and age some people are still trying to respect what our forefathers did for us now. As for me, I'm just trying to live it out while trying not to make a mess of things.

Today's exactly 9 months and 10 days of my current relationship. So far as I can tell, we have a long road ahead of us. :D
It's funny to think that this far in my previous relationship, I'd already considered breaking up at least 3 different times. With Sandra, it's never even crossed my mind. Suppose that goes to show that you can love someone all you want, but if you're not compatible, then you're not compatible.

Cheers to you, Love. :D

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Things You Do for Love (aka I'm Back Home Again)

Well, I'm back home again, after another short stay at the hospital. Honestly, a few more years and I'll be familiar with the staff.

Anyway, here's something that crossed my mind once: you always want to do something for the person you love. Be it out of love itself, or fear of losing that love, it's like you're compelled to do something. You know something's wrong in a relationship when one or both sides aren't feeling compelled to do anything.

I've let this thought sit for a while in my mind, so it's kinda hard to put forward clearly.

The reason that this crossed my mind in the first place is because of this friend of mine. She was talking to me about one of her exes once, and told me how he never really did anything for her. Sure, he gave her gifts for her birthday and the usual holidays, but aside from that, he didn't really do anything to show her how he felt. Never told her or actually really showed her if she really meant anything to him at all. Needless to say, the relationship ended shortly afterward.

What I can't understand is why something like that could happen. Quite frankly I was baffled. But then I thought "why is it baffling?", and that's when it came to me: People do things for the ones they love. There's something wrong when you don't feel that pull to do something.

I can't claim to know why that is, but I know for sure that it is. It's been that way in every relationship, hasn't it? From the start, when you do things to impress them, to the very end where you do things to keep them happy.

You know what, I've got this weird headache, maybe because I haven't used my head in a while, and it's preventing me from writing a half-decent post. Keep an eye out for more posts on this subject. Next one might be more coherent. XD


Monday, August 10, 2009

Home At Last (aka Letter #15)

After a long (and I do mean LONG) week, I'm finally back home. Where've I been, you ask? College orientation week. 6 days of doing absolutely nothing but sitting down in a classroom with 60 other people (give or take) listening to lectures and talks about the Do's and Don't's of college life. My butt's still kinda sore from all that sitting.

To boot, I think I'm down with a bad case of the flu. Slight fever, aching joints & muscles, sore throat, classic flu symptoms, right? Already went to the doctor, got some meds, should last for a few days. I'm feeling better already, though only slightly.

To count my blessings, though, I only caught it yesterday, which was AFTER orientation week. Sandra caught it during the last two days. She managed to make it through, of course, and I'm so very proud of her for that. :D Girl, you rock my world.

Will post more meaningful things after I'm healthy.
