Friday, June 19, 2009

First post. (a.k.a. First Letter)

So here's a random thought: some people are extremely judgemental towars others who think, act, or simply are different from themselves, or from the so-called "norm." I'm sure somebody's talked about this before, so i guess it's just one of those things you just can't stop talking about.

I had this friend, a kid, few years younger than me. Call her Susan. or Mary. Heck, call her John, see if I care. She was 16, I think maybe 15, not sure. Like any healthy teen, she likes boys. Like any healthy teen, she has crushes. Like any healthy teen, said crushes change from time to time. She's in highschool, she wants to have a boyfriend, she's seen her sister enter and end relationships, it's only natural that she wants a taste, too, right?

Apparently not, in some of my friends' opinion. Coming from moderately conservative families, they don't really go in and out of relationships that often, i guess, and in their opinion, the way Susan (aka Mary, aka John) skips from crushing on one guy to the next is cheap. Real cheap. They start calling her names, talking behind her back, the usual stuff. I talked to one of them about it and got their side of the story, and when i told them that i'd like to hear Susan's (aka Mary aka John) side of the story, they insisted it was pointless, that i didn't have to do it, that she was evil by nature.

It really bugged me to no end (literally, it seems by this post), how they just judged her like that, without hearing her out, or even wanting to. And why? Simply because she acted different from them. Because she thought different from them. Because she was different from them. Because they couldn't understand her.

I guess it just goes to show that people shun out that which is different, and which they don't understand. Just like racism. Just like homosexuality. Just like religion.

People are different. Until each and every one of us learn to accept this, our world will always have conflict.

Regards and respect,
-Zet Valentine

comments, opinions are welcome. Even a simple "dude, you're dumb." Remember, we may not always agree with others, but we can learn to respect their opinions.

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