Monday, August 24, 2009

More Randomness (aka. ..... Randomness XD)

Of the unimportant things to talk about here (and I do mean unimportant), there is quite a bit to talk about, so let's just start from the most recent stuff, then work my way back to things I can remember. Which means order will be totally random, at best.

Just saw Miss Universe thing at Sandra's home. Had a good laugh, the usual thing with a guy seeing ridiculously beautiful outfits. Yes, I admit they're beautiful outfits, just think some of them are ridiculous, that's all. Like this one finalist who I think made it to the top five, had a hair that looked like a beehive. Well, Sandra said it looked like a beehive, I said it looked like some kind of molding for a clay pot.
Now that I mention it, maybe that's how they styled her hair, by putting a pot around it. XD

College classes schedule is already out. I consider myself very lucky: my only free day is Tuesday, when I have classes it's only for 2 shifts. Plenty of free time. My mom said that means plenty of time to study, but we know that's not really likely to happen, is it? ;D

The Sims 3. I finally decided to buy and install it, here on my cousin's comp. Funny thing happened the other day when I was playing. I had one pregnant Sim in the household, and I had no idea when the baby would be born. So I made the Sim go to the Diner for food, since she had crappy cooking ability then, and I was just too lazy to make her cook. So she drove to the diner. I sped up the in-game time, then this popup message appeared, announcing that the baby was about to be born, and that I should make sure that the Sim was at home or in a hospital.

I checked the map, and the hospital was just down the street from the diner, so I clicked it, and selected "Have baby at Hospital". Then the most hilarious (in my opinion) and shocking thing happened: my Sim ran towards the hospital. That's right, she was due right then and there to have the baby, and if she couldn't drive you'd think she'd have enough sense to at least get a cab, but no. She ran.

Really, I don't know why I find that so amusing, but I just do. You'd have to see it, perhaps, to see what's funny. XD

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